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Introduction to ANGELS

The human race seems to be fascinated by angels. Why else do we observe references to these spiritual beings almost everywhere? Angels are in our movies, our books, our songs, our lyrics, our conversations, our graveyards, our ornaments, our greeting cards, our décor and other forms of art, like paintings and album covers.

Speaking of art, Solomon had the Holy Temple in Jerusalem decorated with cherubim, including the walls (1 Kings 6:23-29). Moreover, the lid to the sacred Ark of the Covenant had two gold-sculptured angels facing each other; and it was between these artistic cherubim that the LORD’s presence would dwell on Earth during the Old Covenant.*

* For a couple mind-blowing revelations on the Ark of the Covenant see this article.

This is all fine and dandy, but are angels real? Do they really exist and dwell in the invisible spiritual realm? And, if so, what is their purpose? Why do they exist? Furthermore, do we have control over their activity in some way? In other words, do our actions or inactions determine what they do or don’t do? Also, can angels appear in the physical realm as people? And what about dark angels; that is, evil spirits or demons? What’s the Bible say?

Please notice that the question is “What’s the Bible say?” and not “What’s my sect say?” or “What’s Pastor Jones say?” That’s because we shouldn’t be concerned with what a particular ministry or denomination teaches on angels, but rather what the Bible itself says, which is what Fountain of Life is all about. In other words, this article, my book on angels and the linking articles on this site are a decidedly non-sectarian Scripture-focused examination of the subject.

These materials include longer segments that are dense with info along with shorter ones which drive home simpler points. While I wrote my book on angels to be read front-to-back you’re welcome to jump around to get what you want out of it. Just use the CONTENTS page to zero-in on the topic that interests you. If you come to a section, article or chapter that doesn’t interest you, just jump to the next one. Cross-referencing is provided for your convenience, as are proof texts galore.

Speaking of which, I’m a stickler for proof texts because they place the relevant data at your fingertips. I encourage you to have a Bible handy so you can look up the texts yourself in your preferred translation.

Some important points are reemphasized now and then because 1. I don’t assume that a reader has read the other chapters/articles and 2. I consider the point in question to be indispensable to the body of Christ at this juncture. So I’m not being redundant, I’m just driving something home that needs driven home. The 1st century apostles practiced this, so it’s a God-ordained educational method (2 Peter 1:12-13).

If something is brought up and isn’t elaborated on to your satisfaction, it’s likely because it’s detailed more fully elsewhere in the book or linking articles on this site.

Like most biblical topics, angelology is a complex one and so the answers aren’t always simple or clear cut. Sometimes an answer depends on various criteria and balancing numerous passages, which is mandatory for “rightly dividing” God’s Word. Sometimes we’re compelled to speculate based on the biblical data at hand.

I think you’ll be amazed at what the Bible says about angels and linking subjects. The study will thoroughly enrich your spiritual walk, as it has mine. Now join me to dig into the Holy Scriptures and mine them for answers on angelology. You can start with the article Angels or pick up a special low-priced copy of my book…

ANGELS is available here for a low price (345 pages). Or pick up the eBook version for just $2.99!

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