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(Pseudo) Science Is the “New God” and Dubious Scientists Are the “New Gods”

Whenever there’s a debate, each side will base their position on (1) their reasoning and (2) the authority or authoritative knowledge they accept, whoever or whatever either may be. For instance, when Christians debate a topic they’ll utilize the Holy Scriptures as their authority for doctrine & practice (1 Corinthians 4:6).

Since those of us in Western nations (or Western-influenced nations) live in a post-Christian society, people no longer respect the Judeo-Christian Scriptures as authoritative, generally speaking. Those who embrace a genuinely biblical worldview are considered backwards and uneducated (keeping in mind that ‘educated’ to Liberal elites really means “indoctrinated by Leftwing ideology”). The authority that people in the modern era ascribe to is science or, more accurately, what is said to be science and whoever the scientific authority may be on the topic at hand.

For instance, when I was 19 years-old I had a discussion with a homosexual man who was in his mid-20s. He was a friendly guy who never actually said he was a homosexual, but it wasn’t difficult to draw this conclusion. For one thing, when the subject of homosexuality came up, he sprang to its defense. I wasn’t a Christian yet but I pointed out the obvious illogicality of homosexuality in that the sex organs don’t line up with such a union (by contrast, in genuine sexuality tab ‘A’ naturally fits into slot ‘B.’ Are you following?). But he ignored this and appealed to Sigmund Freud to support his position.

What was he doing? He was using Freud as an authority figure to defend his chosen lifestyle. Keep in mind that Freud is the guy who came up with the creative concept of “penis envy.” Another psychoanalyst wittily countered this odd theory by pointing out how males are perhaps adversely affected by their inability to bear children, which would be “womb envy.” See how easy it is to concoct pseudo-scientific gobbledygook?

More recently, I’ve had discussions with people on a couple of relevant topics. In both cases the opponent referenced “science” to defend his/her position. The problem was, real science didn’t back up their claims.

The woman I was dialoguing with on abortion insisted that a baby is a “fetus” until it is born. To her, a fetus was an un-living thing and not a human being with a beating heart, which made it perfectly okay to slaughter at whim. Disregarding the fact that the term ‘fetus’ literally means “an unborn human baby,” I pointed out the obvious problem with her reasoning: A baby doesn’t become a baby — a living human being — the split second it emerges from the birth canal; it was already a baby before it came out.

This is just common sense, of course, but she denied it on the grounds that “Science says differently.” She kept repeating this and I’m sure she knew of a few Liberal scientists who supported her position. Of course true science does not deny this but, nevertheless, she used what she deemed “science” as her authority in the argument and so it was a closed case.

On another recent occasion I was conversing with a guy about biological males competing in women’s sports as transsexuals. I pointed out how absurd this was and how unfair to the females competing in the sport: Just because a biological male has his genitals mutilated by a surgeon and takes feminine hormones, it doesn’t make him a female. His DNA would still be male. In other words, he’s a male masquerading as a female.

The guy responded “Science says otherwise,” which isn’t accurate. Like the woman in the other debate, he kept referring to what he thought was “science” to defend his position and I’m sure he knew of a couple scientists that backed up this position, obviously bought by the Left. There was no talking with him. His god — “science” — spoke and that was the final word on the matter.

When New Gods Replace the Old Gods 

If you study world history you’ll note that the religion of a people in a certain location will morph over decades/centuries with a new god or new gods replacing the old one(s). Here are several examples:

  • Islam surfaced in Arabia during the 7th Century and thus the worship of Allah — the Arabian moon god — eventually took over whole swaths of the Middle East, Southern Asia and Northern Africa as Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism & other religions were replaced.
  • Scandinavian kingdoms embraced polytheistic Old Norse religion with Odin, Thor, Loki, etc. but this slowly changed as Christianity spread through the region between the 8th and the 12th centuries, along with other Nordic and Baltic areas. The one, true God, Yahweh (Psalm 96:4-5), replaced the fantastical Norse gods and others.
  • Meanwhile the rest of Europe was already Christianized, generally speaking: The mythical gods of the Greco-Roman world were supplanted by the worship of the LORD; same thing with Druidic religion in Gaul (France) & the British Isles.
  • Centuries later, after the New World was discovered, the Americas slowly became Christianized as European settlers & their descendants multiplied across the landscape. The diversified spiritual practices of the AmerIndians* could be labeled henotheistic, monotheistic, polytheistic, shamanisticanimistic, pantheistic or any blend thereof, but biblical truth slowly spread and the worship of the LORD became predominant across the two continents. Not all AmerIndians became believers, of course, but many did.

* Speaking as part-Abenaki, it’s trendy to refer to AmerIndians as “Native Americans,” but they’re actually not native to the Americas. Their ancestors originally emigrated from East Asia via Beringia, which means they’re just as much settlers to the Western Hemisphere as later peoples from Europe & other regions. AmerIndians are just older Americans whereas settlers from Europe & other areas are newer Americans.

But Christianity has long since been replaced as the predominant belief/worldview in the Americas and Europe, as well as all nations influenced by Western Civilization. What overthrew Christian beliefs which had reigned in these places for centuries? The answer is science or, more accurately, what people say is science, aka pseudoscience.

This mass societal transformation began in the 18th century and was executed via…

Thought Bombs

An atomic bomb leaves massive destruction in its wake that lasts for decades, but “thought bombs” can be even more damaging to societies, not to mention enduring. Several influential thinkers in the generations leading up to the 20th & 21st Centuries drastically changed modern thought in Western Civilization and reshaped our worldview, ousting Christianity as the foundational belief system:

Two German philosophers, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) & his disciple G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831), destroyed the idea of thinking in terms of absolutes — God, truth, morality — and promoted relativistic thinking. Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) then applied these ideas to Christianity and set the foundation for the existentialist movement of the 20th century; thus relativistic, existential thinking spread throughout the Church.

Notable colleges like Harvard originally trained Christian ministers whereas now they indoctrinate students with loony Leftwing ideology, which is more accurately idiotology. Look no further than BU graduate AOC, who supports Marxism and insists the Earth is going to be destroyed by 2031 (a mere decade from now) without mass acceptance of her absurd Green New Deal, an expensive political proposal that claims with a straight face cow farts are destroying the Earth. It’s ironic that Boston University began as a Methodist theological college named the Newbury Biblical Institute.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) built upon this foundation, which included Hegel’s glorification of the State, and became the father of Communism, a God-hating philosophy that could be viewed as a religion since the State itself becomes ‘god’ with its enemies being capitalism, private property and religion, especially Christianity (which isn’t really a religion, as noted here). Marxism promises a godless utopia of a classless society and the guaranteed universal provisions thereof, but has yet to work in practice. Hitler admitted that “the whole of [his] National Socialism” was based on Marxist theories.

A contemporary of Kierkegaard & Marx, Charles Darwin (1809-1882) concocted the theory of evolution, which postulates that life on Earth originated with single-celled life-forms and evolved into higher life-forms thru the chance process of random mutation coupled with natural selection, which weeds out the “less fit.” Darwin’s model includes the origin of human beings, which he said in The Descent of Man have a common ancestor with apes. This theory explained life in non-biblical terms and essentially excluded the need for a Creator God. Without an intentional beginning human beings have no special purpose. We’re just animals created in a cold and meaningless evolutionary system.

It comes as no surprise that the atheistic father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), didn’t believe humankind had a purpose on Earth. Since there was no Creator God, all was permissible. Morality was an illusion in his thinking and sexual morality “repressive”; everything was relative.

This was incidentally the conclusion I came to as an unbeliever at the age of 19: If there was no God — no Intelligent Designer behind everything — then life on Earth was an accident of the Universe and therefore there was no such thing as right and wrong. I wasn’t even a Christian yet, but I rejected this conclusion because I instinctively knew there was right and wrong, good and evil. For instance, rape, murder, theft, slander, sexual unfaithfulness and lying for selfish reasons were clearly wrong. It’s just common sense and can be attributed to the God-given human conscience (Romans 2:14-16).

I cited these six particular thinkers because they were arguably the most influential in swaying Western Civilization away from the biblical paradigm of our formerly Judeo-Christian-based societies. If these notable thinkers never existed, “the god of this world” — Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4) — would’ve easily raised-up six others. I should add that, while the Bible plainly says that people who don’t believe in God are “fools” (Psalm 14:1 & 53:1), there’s no doubt that these thinkers were brilliant in their secular perspectives. And, to be fair, a couple of them technically believed in God, like Kierkegaard, but — remember — “even the demons believe—and shudder!” (James 2:19).

Where We Are Now: What Liberalism Says Is Science Is “god” and Secular Humanism Is the ‘in’ Religion

These “thought bombs” ultimately toppled Western Civilization from its Christian foundations. We now live in a post-Christian society where our schools promote secular humanism and despise Christianity. Believers in Christ & the Bible are held in contempt as “backwards,” “bigoted” and “uneducated.” As noted earlier, ‘education’ to secularists really means “indoctrinated by Liberal ideology.”

Thus the more “educated” by secular institutions a person is the less likely s/he will believe in absolutes, like God, truth and morality. I attended a state university as a strong believer from 1990-1995 and I could feel the anti-Christ spirit that permeated the classrooms and halls. My faith was challenged on every side, but I (1) maintained my relationship with the Lord and (2) kept anchored in my biblical studies, feeding from God’s Word (Matthew 4:4).

Yet I could readily see how the faith of Christian students could be weakened in such a godless environment, even to the point of falling away from the faith (Hebrews 6:4-9 & 2 Peter 2:21). I’ve known several solid believers who went off to college and left as agnostics or atheists. And yet Christian parents continue to blithefully send their kids off to God-hating Universities and are shocked when they come back as unbelievers. Gee, go figure. (For anyone who says it’s impossible for a believer to lose his/her salvation, see this article).

Secular humanism is now the religion of Western Civilization and is essentially one-in-the-same as “liberalism” or “progressivism.” How is it a religion? It has all the earmarks of one:

  • An irrefutable “god” (science or what Liberalism says is science, aka pseudoscience).
  • Its own “scripture” (Lib-approved journals & textbooks; pseudoscientific works, like Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring; and basically whatever a hip ‘authority’ says on the topic at hand).
  • Its own faith-based cosmology (the big bang theory).
  • Its own miracles (e.g. the idea that everything originally sprang from nothing, which violates the scientific axiom of biogenesis — that life only proceeds from life).
  • Its own beliefs in the supernatural; even many of those who consider themselves strict atheists acknowledge what they call extrasensory perception or paranormal activity (studies have shown that Liberals are more likely to believe in paranormal phenomena compared to Conservatives, whether ghosts, talking with the dead, fortunetelling or astrology. Let me put it this way: Is a New Ager or fortune-teller more likely to be a Liberal or a Conservative?).
  • Its own “churches” (public schools & colleges).
  • Its own “high priests” (godless ‘scientists,’ professors & teachers).
  • Its own “saints” (corrupt politicians, immoral celebrities and thugs).
  • Its own sacrifices (abortion & infanticide and fake suicides of its own people when necessary, e.g. Jeffrey Epstein).
  • Tithing (to teachers’ unions, tuition, donations/taxes for sacred Leftist causes, like the ambiguous “Climate Change” & the corresponding Paris Agreement/UNFCCC).
  • Obeisance for their hallowed leaders, institutions and activist organizations (Obama, Harvard, NOW, Greenpeace, etc.).
  • Its applauded virtues (recycling, sexual perversions, mask-wearing, etc.).
  • Its loathed practices or “sins” (chastity, reading/believing the Bible, etc.).
  • Its own faith-based explanation of life itself (the theory of evolution — after over 160 years of desperate searching they have yet to prove that random mutation & natural selection lead to the creation of a new species).
  • Its revered “ancestors” (apes or ape-like beings).
  • Its faith-based insistence that humans are created in the likeness of apes rather than the image of God.

This should not be interpreted to mean that all scientists, professors, public school teachers, etc. are godless and dripping with evil because this isn’t true in the least. For instance, one of my English teachers at state college was a devout Christian man (unfortunately, he was contrasted by a lesbian English teacher who readily attacked anything Christian or traditionally moral).

I’m of course speaking in generalities in this article. But let me ask you a relevant question: Can a genuine believer openly espouse their beliefs in an academic environment without being seriously penalized in some way, even losing their job (and I’m not even talking about proselytizing)? We all know the answer. Liberals are only tolerant of their own ideology and those who bend to it, although they’ll exempt anyone who’ll jump in bed with them in their fight against biblical truth, like Muslims. In other words, although Liberalism and Islam are opposing belief systems, they are united in their vehement opposition to Judeo-Christianity.

It doesn’t help that the State religion of Liberalism (so-called “Progressivism”) is riddled with glaring contradictions:

  • homosexuals are “born that way” while child-molesters can be rehabilitated;
  • saving a tree or plant is virtuous, but slaughtering babies by the millions is okay, including ones that survive abortion;
  • we should eat organic foods and must wear masks to hinder the spread of ailments, but the possibility of spreading a gross disease via casual sex or perverse sex is an unalienable right;
  • sexual activity is merely genetic & all-for-fun and has zero sacred purpose or moral consequence, but the slightest hint of sexual harassment is diabolical (speaking as someone who’s totally against sexual harassment);
  • Druid-like reverence of the Earth is praiseworthy and progressive, but biblical worship of the Almighty is superstitious and backwards;
  • Liberalism claims to wholly support feminism, but curiously advocates & commends biologically male transsexuals competing (and winning) against biological females in women’s sports;
  • it’s perfectly okay if primitive peoples from Asia settle in the Americas and constantly fight rival tribes, i.e. AmerIndians, but not technologically advanced people from Europe.

Need I go on?

It comes as little surprise that, without an intentional origin or divine purpose, people in the modern era lack a moral compass. Seeing themselves as little more than animals, they tend to veer toward hedonism or some form of immorality to find fulfillment and even identity. Others glorify the State — or its corresponding ideals — and serve accordingly to find purpose. Others succumb to a disillusioned life of “quiet desperation,” as Henry David Thoreau put it, and are usually assuaged by an excess of “meds.”

Christ said “You will know them by their fruits,” referring to people who falsely speak for God (Matthew 7:15-23). This would include people who claim to understand and represent the truth or ultimate reality (Remember, Christ said he was “the truth” in John 14:6 and ‘truth’ in the Greek is alétheia, which means “reality” or “the way it really is”). What is the fruit of the Liberal intelligentsia who in essence worship (pseudo)science and their religion is secular humanism? Answer: Things like godless Marxism (Socialism/Communism), slander, voting fraud, arrogance, condescension, hypocrisy and sexual immorality & perversion.

Why is hedonism and sexual immorality rampant on campuses? Why is it that whenever you visit a college town you’ll see overt evidence of homosexuality, but hardly ever in other areas? Answer: Because that’s what is preached & commended at these schools of supposed higher learning despite the facts that the practice of homosexuality results in a much higher rate of STDs, mental illness, drug use and suicide or suicide attempts.

Of course those who choose the homosexual lifestyle are to be tolerated and respected as fellow human beings who have the right to make choices about their lives, whether positive or negative, just as we tolerate overeaters, smokers, drinkers and so on. However, this doesn’t mean that homosexuality should be promoted and celebrated since it would be asinine in light of the facts that support its all-around unhealthiness.

Are Christians “Anti-Science”?

No, Christians are pro-common sense and anti-false science (again, I’m speaking in generalities; admittedly, there are people who claim to be Christians who are severely corrupted by legalism). For instance, the scientific principle that only life can create life — biogenesis — obviously points to a Creator. Believers in Christ naturally question questionable “science” regardless of how popular it might be in Liberal circles.

The sneering scientific sophistication of Liberals is merely a pretense. They actually hate real science and flee from it screaming like vampires responding to holy water. Here are some examples of genuine science: unborn babies are sentient human beings with a beating heart; males who foolishly have their penis chopped off and take female hormones are not females; the AIDS virus does discriminate; there is such a thing as IQ; the sexes have differing abilities in different areas (e.g. math, science and gymnastics); only life can create life; and nuclear power is actually not very dangerous.

When it comes to science, some good questions include: What specific topic is being addressed? And is the ‘science’ thereof reliable or dubious? For instance, climate alarmists have a long history of false predictions supposedly based on ‘science.’ The current “Climate Change” hysteria is actually a Leftwing agenda and politically motivated. As such, the scientists they use to support their position are basically ‘yes men’ and ‘yes women’ because their jobs and funding depend on agreeing with the false narrative and backing it up with supposed evidence. See these videos for insights: My Gift To Climate Alarmists, Are We Doomed? And Climate Scam No Longer Needed.

We must understand that the Bible is a theological work and not a scientific one. It shares some info that’s applicable to the sciences in a general sense, but often requires further study on part of the one seeking knowledge. For instance, the Bible is not an astronomy book, but it does support the basic idea that the Earth is a spherical body suspended in the empty space of the Universe, which disproves the idea of a flat Earth (Isaiah 40:22 & Job 26:7). The Scriptures teach that the Universe constantly “pours forth speech” and “displays knowledge” to “all the Earth” (Psalm 19:1-4); Paul backed this up by the Spirit in different words (Romans 1:19-20). So the LORD knew we’d acquire important details through our astronomical observations and studies.

Or consider the human brain. The Bible tells us a lot about the human mind, but it doesn’t give us details about the physical brain or brain surgery. We naturally obtain knowledge of the latter through specific studies.

Here are a few other biblical tidbits relating to scientific topics:

  • What scientists call the big bang theory — the idea that the Universe began suddenly and inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos we know today — is explained in the Bible simply as God speaking the Universe into existence (Hebrews 11:3 & Psalm 33:6).
  • Speaking of the great age of the Universe, believers who embrace the young-Earth theory — the idea that the Earth is about 6000 years old — agree that the Earth looks billions of years old, but suggest that God created the Earth & Universe with the appearance of age since, in the same creation account (Genesis 1-2), the LORD created Adam as an adult male. While Adam looked to be about 30 years-old he was actually freshly created and thus merely had the appearance of 30-years of age. The same argument could be applied to the Universe & Earth since their creation appears in the same context. It could be argued that the Creator simply accelerated their creation/growth in a condensed amount of time. In other words, they really are the age they appear, it’s just that the time period was greatly condensed. Keep in mind that God is the Almighty who can do practically anything (except violate divine word or force beings with freewill to do something or not do something), including create the Universe & Earth in moments or days by merely speaking it into existence by faith. For details see this article.
  • Secular science theorizes that dinosaurs existed 245-66 million years ago and therefore are much older than human beings, who they say have only been around for 200,000 years; and thus the two never existed at the same time. If this is so, why does practically every culture on Earth have legends about slaying the dragon, aka dinosaurs? In other words, there’s an alternative biblical take on dinosaurs, which you can read about here.

Scientists & Pseudoscientists Are NOT the “New Gods”

We have to get away from this modern-day notion that scientists are infallible gods. Just because they say something is so doesn’t necessarily mean it is. Christ said to be “wise as serpents” not gullible as idiots (Matthew 10:16). For one thing, scientists are not God. For another, scientists disagree all the time based on the data they acknowledge and the agenda behind their work. Thirdly, scientists are perfectly capable of presenting data in a skewed way to back-up their case for decidedly selfish reasons, like apprehending funding or keeping their job. This explains the saying: 97% of “scientists” agree with whoever funds them. After all, being a scientist doesn’t make one immune to being a liar. As for those scientists who say there is no God, however smart they might be, the Bible says they’re fools in no uncertain terms (Psalm 53:1 & Psalm 10:4).

By the way, I’m not telling you what to believe on any of these scientific subjects. They’re peripheral issues not crucial to salvation. As it is said, “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.” Honestly seek out the topic in question and draw your own likely conclusion without concern for being ‘hip.’


I’m not being “mean” in this article, I’m just sharing common sense data & truths in a concerned, honest manner. It’s called tough love. Christ did the same and the world hated him for it (John 7:7 & John 3:20).

Anyone reading this who has been caught in the web of Secular Humanism and the pseudoscience thereof, the LORD is calling you out of darkness and bondage, just as God called me & millions of others out of darkness and bondage. As Paul exhorted: “We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). Here’s how to reconcile…

16For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life 36Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Whoever rejects the Son will not see life. Instead, the wrath of God remains on him.

John 3:16,36 (BSB)

9…if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved.

Romans 10:9-10 (BSB)

You can read details about what’s really going on with this crazy world and God’s gracious plan of liberation for humanity & creation here.

Bottom line: True science is the study of God’s creation. When people worship science above God it becomes an ‘idol’ and devolves into pseudoscience. In the end, are you trusting in science (the creation) or God (the Creator) to give your life meaning and salvation?

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