Dealing With LUST
Sexual lust concerns out-of-control preoccupation in deed or thought with porn, fornication, adultery, sexual fantasy, as well as deviant practices, like homosexuality, pedophilia and bestiality.
If you’re not a believer in Christ, the first step to freedom from lust is turning to the LORD in repentance & faith (Acts 20:21 & Romans 10:9-10) wherein you’ll receive spiritual regeneration (John 3:3-6 & Titus 3:5). This means you’ll acquire the spiritual software necessary to overcome any sin bondage, not to mention the help of the indwelling Spirit.
If you’re a believer and you’re struggling with sexual lust, you’re not alone; many other Christians do too. I did at one time as well. The awesome news is that there’s freedom in Christ for everyone in bondage to lust, whatever its form! The sin of lust is similar to any other life-dominating flesh bondage — like alcoholism, out-of-control gambling, drug abuse, greed, hatred, fits of rage, gossip/slander, and so on — in that the antidote revealed in the Holy Scriptures is the same: The Bible offers a simple 3-point strategy on how to walk free from any sin, including a severe lust problem, wherein you tackle the issue on three fronts (1) mental, (2), physical and (3) spiritual. This proven 3-point strategy is detailed in this article.
Here’s a video version of the plan:
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