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Should Ministers Be Addressed With TITLES?


What does the Bible say about addressing ministers with titles, like “Pastor John,” “Apostle Harris” or “Reverend Jones”? Some ministers are so insistent about titles that they become noticeably upset or offended when someone doesn’t address them accordingly. You can be sure that a disciple in this type of minister’s group won’t be promoted if he/she fails to voice the preferred title; they will in effect be shunned and sometimes even badmouthed for their perceived “transgression.”

While this topic is a minor issue, it’s not insignificant and Christ himself elaborated on it. Notice what He taught in reference to Christian leadership.

they [Pharisees and teachers of the law] love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.

“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called teacher, for you have one Teacher, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you will be your servant.

Matthew 23:7-11

The legalistic religious leaders of Israel relished being referred to with an honorary title like “Rabbi,” which means ‘teacher’ (John 1:38). Jesus said this isn’t the way it’s supposed to be in the Church because we “are all brothers,” which indicates the equalitarian nature of leadership in the body of Christ. No matter who the pastor or teacher is, we “are all brothers (and sisters)” in Christ Jesus.

Do you see ministers obsessed with honorary titles, like “Pastor,” “Reverend,” “Apostle,” “Doctor,” “Master Prophet” and so on? (Please notice I said obsessed). It’s not a good sign in light of what the Lord taught. This was the way religious leaders were during Christ’s earthly ministry and you’ll unfortunately see the same thing today. Of course, hard-working servant-leaders are to be respected (1 Thessalonians 5:12) and Ephesians 4:11 shows that there are legitimate leadership gifts in the body of Christ—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers—but these are gifts, anointings or positions, not titles.

If you disagree, try to find one occurrence in the New Testament where a leader is addressed as Pastor So-and-So, Apostle So-and-So, Teacher So-and-So, Prophet So-and-So or Reverend So-and-So. You won’t find it because it’s an unbiblical practice. Paul was simply called “Paul” and other significant leaders were also referred to by name, like Peter, John, James, Apollos, Timothy and Barnabas (e.g. 2 Peter 3:15 & Galatians 2:6-9). The Holy Spirit inspired these passages through men of God (2 Peter 1:20-21) and thus the Holy Scriptures are described as “God-breathed” and, naturally, the blueprint for authentic Christian doctrine & practice, meaning genuine Christianity (1 Corinthians 4:6 & 2 Timothy 3:16-17). In other words, this is the example God’s Word sets for believers throughout the Church Age. If these great men of God could be referred to simply by their first names how much more so men and women of God today, small or great?

As far as the title ‘Reverend’ goes, this word means “awesome” and is used once in the Bible and only in reference to God in the King James Version (Psalm 111:9). Gee, no wonder some people want to be addressed as Reverend.

Let me stress that I’m not saying every leader in the body of Christ who utilizes a title is a wicked counterfeit frothing at the mouth with arrogance. I’m just saying that titles for servant-leaders were not used in the 1st century as recorded in the New Testament Scriptures and therefore those people who are obsessed with titles have a problem because there’s no biblical basis for the practice, except that the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law relished honorary titles. What godly man or woman wants to be associated with such religious cons?

Christ said that the greatest amongst us—meaning leaders—should have servant’s hearts and not be pompous authoritarians who revel in the power and honor of their position (Matthew 23:11). Paul taught the same thing (2 Corinthians 4:5 & 1 Corinthians 4:1). Let me hastily add, however, that having a humble servant’s heart and an equalitarian attitude does not mean being a wimpy, powerless milksop. Anyone close to the Almighty will be anything but because God is the awesome Fountain of Life who gushes life and power into the hearts of anyone who gets close to their Maker (Psalm 36:9), which is why we see dynamic men and women of God throughout the Old and New Testaments doing all kinds of bold and amazing things with the LORD’s blessing and empowerment.

Furthermore, godly men and women aren’t nicey-wicey doormats (speaking as someone who highly values niceness). Sometimes walking in love calls for tough love and sometimes the kindest thing you can do for a person is to boldly tell him/her the awful truth. Christ did this when he powerfully cleansed the Temple of greedy charlatans and carnal riff-raff whereupon he instilled fear in the religious leaders and amazement in the onlookers (Mark 11:15-18); Paul did it when he radically rebuked Elymas the sorcerer for trying to keep the proconsul of Cyprus from the faith (Acts 13:8-12); and Peter did it with another sorcerer in Samaria (Acts 8:9-24).

Closing Word

Insisting on a title in the body of Christ — not a job position, a title — smacks of insecurity. The problem with this is that strong men and women of God are not insecure. They’re genuinely close to the LORD and therefore are perfectly secure with who they are, whom they serve, and what their God-given call and current mission are.

Beyond pride and insecurity, the reason some fivefold ministers — mostly pastors — insist on a title is to subconsciously drill into their congregants (and others) that they’re the authority of the assembly in question. While this seems legitimate and harmless on the surface there’s an obvious drawback: It unconsciously promotes the sheeple mentality wherein believers are perpetually dependent upon their pastors. In short, it promotes spiritual immaturity in the long run (see this article for details).

If you are a fivefold minister, here’s a test to see if you have a problem with the “title syndrome”: If you’re even a little disappointed or, worse, offended when someone fails to address you with a title like “Pastor John” or “Reverend Smith” you have a problem and need to change for the positive, i.e. REPENT.

Remember what the Lord said: If you continue in his Word “the truth will make you free” (John 8:31-32). Doing something or embracing something just because it’s a religious tradition — or it’ll help you function in a certain group — isn’t truth and won’t set you free.

The reason I bring this topic up is because the “title syndrome” can get pretty eye-rolling in the body of Christ and it smacks of the flesh since it’s obviously centered around ego. For instance, I was at a church dinner where the pastor corrected his own mother for not addressing him with the title of Pastor. Seriously?

It goes without saying that anyone who goes into ministry because they desire subordinates to constantly refer to them as “Pastor,” “Reverend,” etc. is going into ministry for the wrong reasons.

That being said, if a fivefold minister wants to insist on a title for those under them in their ministry, that’s their call. What’s it to me? However, they should not expect believers who know what the Scriptures plainly teach on this topic to do so.

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