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Is the Phrase “Higher Levels, Bigger Devils” Biblical?

The phrase “Higher levels, bigger devils” was coined to illustrate that the further a believer goes in spiritual growth the more he or she will attract satanic attack. The Bible refers to the maturation process of disciples in terms of going “from strength to strength” or “glory to glory” (Psalm 84:5,7 & 2 Corinthians 3:18). This of course reveals levels of spiritual development.

While “Higher levels, bigger devils” is just a saying, it is supported by scriptural data, like Daniel’s prayers being resisted by a “prince” of demons for 21 days until Michael the archangel came to his aid (Daniel 10:12-13). Daniel was the greatest man of God of his day and his spiritual warfare was thus resisted by a high-ranking evil spirit.

Speaking of which, Ephesians 6:12 reveals a hierarchy in the spiritual realm with the devil as the wicked despot of his spiritual forces of evil with “rulers,” “authorities” and “powers” under his command. What evils spirits will the devil send to resist a great man or woman of God who’s causing much damage to the kingdom of darkness — his lower minions or the higher-ranking ones? Obviously the latter. Hence, “Higher levels, bigger devils.”

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